May 24, 1961 The Chatterbox | |
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May 24, 1961 |
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Classics Club Arouses Interest
Among Citywide Latin Students
nut Hills, was elected presi-
dent; Penny Fitzpatrick of
McNicholas secretary; Julie
Duhl of Summit treasurer.
The second meeting was
held at Summit High School.
Over 200 students were on
hand to hear Dr. John Caskey
of the University of Cincinnati
lecture on Greece. At a busi-
ness meeting after the lecture
it was decided that no dues be
levied for membership in the
The final meeting was held
here at Walnut Hills on Sun-
day, May 14. Students from
Seton and Elder presented a
hate playlet by Plautus, a
Roman writer. The play was
presented first in English,
then in Latin. After the play,
Father Manfred of Roger Bacon
demonstrated a new way of
teaching Latin. This method
is much like that employed in
modern language courses. The
Msv.Z4. llNII,
Physician Entertains Club !
With Discussion of Nerves
Dr. Edward Buyniski, an industrial phys{cian at G.E.,
was the speaker at the Biology Club last week. The mem-
bers held an open discussion on his topic, the nervoBa
system. Dr. Buyniskl illus-
trated how the system works
with a series of blackboard
Dr. Buyniski has done much
research on alcoholism and
has experimented a great deal
on the effects of alcohol on
people and animals. He has
many hobbies, one of which
is raising male guppies. He
has experimented with these
fish in connection with the
nervous system and alcoholism.
In this work, he injects chem-
icals into the blood stream to
effect the nervous system,
then injects alcohol to see the
reactions of the fish to this
stimulus. Dr. Edward Buynlski
Another of his many hobbies
is collecting rare coins, which The Biology Club plans a
he finds interesting and worth- field trip and party at the end
while. Yet even with all these of the year and hopes that next
hobbies and his job, he has year the club will get a good
time for his family of five start and be as active as it
children, has been this year.
Freshmen Bequeath Will and Testament
teacher asks questions in
Latin about the text to be
translated and the students
answer in Latin.
Jimmy Schloss, Dana Cohen,
and Freddy Mayerson: leave
for a Falcon party
Steve Cellett: leaves a path of
broken hearts behind him
Kay Davis: leaves her en-
L thusiasm for Debate Club
Judy Roberts and Fred Jones:
leave together
We leave Leslie Dolphin in
the library
Gayle Dryfoose: leaves an
absence slip
We leave Sue Matthews, Sand
Woliver, and Ann Pollak
late for homeroom
Jo Dyson and Ann Shepard:
leave their biology class
We leave Nancy Stillpass,
lne Fine, and Barbara
Kahn: picking daisies
Judy Frankenberger and Rasdy
Greenwald: leave their ar-
tistic ability
Wadsworth Douglas: leaves
his notes and projects
Bruce Dubles and Maurice
Jackson: leave a walnut
beautifuUy finished
made from your favorite picture
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20 for $1.00 ............
Wafter size photos from
your favorite porlra,t or
SEE YOUR schoo, ,napsbo, reo,o
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phcations. Just take your
DEFILER negat,ve, port,ad or snap- %
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FoYro dealer today! *
Kurt's Auto Sales
by Jim Mmphy
The Cincinnati Classics Club was organized in 1960 by
Sister Charles Regina of Seton High School to stimulate
interest in the classics among high school students in
this area. CCC has grown
from its beginnings in the At the first, held at Seton High
parochial schobl system until School, Miss Rosemary Hope,
now when its members come Walnut Hills' Latin teacher,
from 15 public and private showed slides of Greece and
schools. The club serves to her experiences there.
link the Latin clubs of the It was decided to modify
individual schools and to pre- the club's system of govern-
sent to its members several ment to include permanent of.
worthwhile programs each year. fleers along with the previous
During the past year three system involving program com-
rograms have been presented, mittees. Jim Murphy of Wal-
We specialize in used cars at moderate prices -
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We guarantee and finance our own cars
Stop in and see us for that second car
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Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. daily
Hills lunchroom
Dangle Dupee: leaves laughing
BR 234
Margie Erharat, Carol Miller,
and Eleanor ilarlow: leave-
a lasting friendship
Sally Fox leaves her contact
Dee Goldman and Mary Jo
Smith leave slumber parties.
Carolyn Grant, Barbara Lynn,
and Randa Stone: leave a
happy threesome.
Becky llamlin: leaves a fourth
Lee Ellen llam.'n: leaves
spilled ink.
Barbara flay: leaves a Walnut
Hills swimming pool.
Jeff Daum and Ted llnnker:
leave an experiment to Mr.
DeDe Doembetg and Sharin.
Okrent: leave tears about
leaving Mr. Bailey.
Prom and
Casual Shop
For Bathing Suits
Hyde Park Square